Are you aspiring to become, or level-up as, a mammographer?
We've developed the most comprehensive, effective, engaging courses available that you can take from your home, at your own pace.
Breast Imaging Academy
Learn with Us

Grow with Us

I'm starting my career in mammography...
We are the only provider of the accredited Mammography Initial Training (MIT) 40 Hour Course, online and on-demand.
This virtual version of our MIT Course offers Radiologic Technologists from all over the world the opportunity to attend our program on your schedule - from the comfort of your own home.

I'm growing my career in mammography...
Mammographers continue to broaden their skillset throughout their career. We offer continuing education opportunities to fit every need. Virtual live sessions, on-demand courses, or in-person training.
Whether you are seeking accreditation, a breast imaging bootcamp, or one of our conferences, our extensive offering of programs will ensure you're covered.
Mammography Initial Training
No travel expenses, time away from your family, or waiting for the next in-person event.
Pass Rate
Our students achieve an industry-leading pass rate on their mammography boards.
Created by mammographers,
taught by mammographers.
Millie talks about her career in mammography
Have you checked out our guidebooks?
What Experience Do We Have?

Mammography Educators offers the highest level of service and possess outstanding qualities not offered by similar training services. Our educational platform has provided didactic and hands-on training for over 50,000 radiologic technologists in the United States and Canada and we’ve trained at over 300 Breast Centers. The work of our mammography team is Qualified, Peer-Reviewed, and Improves Image Quality.
Our Trainers:
Mammography Educators’ Positioning Technique is the only technique that has been analyzed and published (AJR, Dec 2017) that sets criteria for FFDM and DBT and establishes criteria for optimal image quality.
We are the industry leaders in Mammography Positioning.
Connect with colleagues from all over the world in our Quality Breast Imagers Group
Mammographers Are Talking...

I did not think that most of my techs could get any better, but I have seen more depth and less folds from all of the techs! Some of the less experienced techs have had a marked improvement. They are still talking about how great you were. Thanks for engaging them. I really liked your talk and hope that writing a book is on your agenda!
Jennifer Harvey MD, FACR
Breast Imaging Manager

I am happy to report that we have seen a dramatic drop in technical repeats since Mammography Educators was here to do the training. There were so many “new tricks” that our Mammographers learned and the learning has stuck well. We have reached our goals in both the Q1 2020 and Q2 2020 with technical repeat rate below 2%.
Loree McGill, RN, MSN
Kaiser Permanente Washington

We have truly benefited from the positioning training. When compared to last years’ mammograms, the difference is amazing. I feel that our staff and I are better equipped to service our patients and pass ACR Accreditation with flying colors.
Thank you!
Laura Y. Moore
Mammography Positioning Matters
So much so, we are consistently expanding our library of content, services, and resources to improve imaging quality, worldwide.
Education - Consulting - Training
Updates & Insights
There is no time limit to complete the course. However, the sooner you complete it and pass your boards, the sooner you'll be a mammographer, enjoying your new career and all the benefits that come with it!
Yes, we partner with PayPal to offer zero-interest payment plans, without a credit check!
Yes! We offer both live and remote continuing education. We host in-person conferences and quarterly live webinars with time for live Q&A.
Want us to come on-site to you? We absolutely provide on-site, hands-on positioning training for technologists. Talk to your administrator and call us at 619-663-8269. We can customize a training plan for your breast center.
We have a fantastic community of over 4,000+ breast imagers who participate in our Quality Breast Imaging (QB) Facebook Group. You can find published articles, the latest breast imaging news, and connect with the experts there. Join us!
We provide on-site, hands-on mammography positioning training in your clinic, with your equipment in your schedule. We find this is the most effective way to immediately improve image quality and address any ergonomic issues. Our technique, The Miller Method™ is data-proven to improve image quality. Be proactive. Focus on quality. Contact us today.