Written by: Robyn Hadley, A.S., R.T.(R)(M)(ARRT)To repeat or not to repeat, that is the question! As a technologist, have you ever found yourself standing in front of the
Tips for Telemammography: How to Regulate, Not Complicate
Written by: Robyn Hadley, A.S., R.T.(R)(M)(ARRT)My radiologist is reading off-site now! What are the regulations and requirements to remain compliant? How do I acquire all the necessary information?
Overcoming Callback Anxiety: Tips for Staying Calm and Confident
Written by: Louise Miller, R.T.(R)(M)(ARRT), CRT(M), FSBI, FNCBCBack in the olden days, all patient communication had to go through the patient’s referring physician including biopsy recommendations, ultrasound referrals, additional
The Alphabet Soup of ACR Validation Processes
Written by: Louise Miller, R.T.(R)(M)(ARRT), CRT(M), FSBI, FNCBCGetting a notification from ACR that your facility will be undergoing an additional evaluation/validation review strikes fear in the hearts of most
The Rundown on Repeats and Rejects
Written by: Louise Miller, R.T.(R)(M)(ARRT), CRT(M), FSBI, FNCBC and Erin Ferraro, M.S., R.T.(R)(M)(ARRT)Repeats and rejects are one of the most misunderstood and misused aspects of all mammography quality assurance
Mammography Positioning Techniques: All Are NOT Created Equal
Written by: Louise Miller, R.T.(R)(M)(ARRT), CRT(M), FSBI, FNCBCHow did you learn to position?Did you go to the “See one, do one, teach one” school? How about the “Watch one,
The MQSA Final Rule 2023: What Exactly Changed and What Do I Do Next?
Written by: Robyn Hadley, A.S., R.T.(R)(M)(ARRT), Breast Imaging ConsultantRecent headlines read: “FDA Updates Mammography Regulations in Final MQSA Rule”, “Major Updates Coming to Mammography Quality and Certification Standards….”,
How to Survive Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This post was written in 2021 by Louise Miller, R.T.(R)(M)(ARRT), CRT(M), FSBI, FNCBC. We feel it is so valuable that we wanted to share it again! I don’t
Challenging Patients & Situations Part 2: Circumstances
Written by: Louise C. Miller, R.T.(R)(M)(ARRT), CRT(M), FSBI, FNCBC, Director of Education When I started writing this blog, I created a list of challenging patients and situations that
Challenging Patients & Situations Part 1: Positioning Tips
Written by: Louise C. Miller, R.T.(R)(M)(ARRT), CRT(M), FSBI, FNCBC, Director of Education This blog article is the first of a two part series on challenging patients. This month